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Authority of interpretation (Translation in progress)
The incidence rate among the vaccinated has been higher than that of the unvaccinated since calendar week 11 of this year. In the last report
From the impasses of state deontology to medical ethics
During the pandemic, science sometimes seemed to acquire the status of unimpeachable truth.
With models without empirical foundations and medicine without clinics, health policy could
Previous posts
The Alternative to Vaccination
Is there an alternative to vaccination? If one exposes oneself to the dominant media discourse, one might think not.
Interfering with physical integrity is being viewed as the magical remedy for this pandemic. But is this really true? This article aims to question this widespread view, by referring to scientific findings that suggest an alternative approach, because of its higher effectiveness and mildness.
So many words and phrases
A look back at the past year We thank our colleague Michel Decker for sharing this article, which first appeared
Before the Constitutional Court
Covid rules thrown to the wind Defence wants analysis of Covid rules Prosecutor General’s Office continues to take a hard
In the thrill of pharmacovigilance
The Ministry of Health recently acknowledged in a blog article that the number of adverse reaction reports to pharmacovigilance had multiplied by a factor of 23 from 92 in 2020 to 2158 in 2021. In part, this increase is attributed to the awareness campaign that took place in the context of the Covid-19 vaccination. We have looked into the argumentation of this thesis.
Monkeypox – conspiracy theories for advanced users …
… and some thoughts on prospective tests of such a theory If you type “monkeypox” into internet search engines,
Impfpflicht in der Geschichte: ja oder nein?
Eine Buchkritik von Michel Decker In einer Zeit, in der die Regierenden, getrieben von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation, auch WHO genannt, allen
COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream led by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies. [3,6,57] We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power, and influence.
Monkey Business
Expressis-Verbis would like to thank Paul Schreyer for allowing us to share this article, first published on his Multipolar pages,
Painting by numbers
The Ministry of Health has not published incidence rates by vaccination status since mid-April. As this is important information for vaccination effectiveness, Expressis Verbis has taken on this problem. We are now providing an interactive online graphic with this data, which will be updated weekly. More statistics will follow shortly.
Albert, Ursula & Heiko: The dangerous relationship between the President of the European Commission and the CEO of Pfizer
In April 2021, the New York Times revealed that Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, was negotiating directly with Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, through phone calls and text messages[2]. And indeed, the following month, the Commission announced a mega-contract with the alliance of German BioNTech and US Pfizer to purchase 900 million doses of the vaccine between the end of 2021 and 2023, with an option for an additional 900 million doses. To date, the European Commission has signed contracts with seven pharmaceutical companies or groups for a total of 4,575 billion potential doses, or ten doses per capita for all ages [3]. The Pfizer/BioNTech contract of May 2021 is worth €35 billion. Compared to the previous autumn’s contracts, the price per dose has increased from 15.50 to 19.50 euros. In view of the staggering 1.8 billion doses ordered and the discounts and economies of scale that would normally result, this is a surprising result.
For risks and side effects, read the package leaflet …
In the context of the freedom of information act[1], the American federal drug administration was forced by court order to
Enlightenment must be forced, it does not fall from the sky
Will we see a moment of truth in the matter of Corona? For that to happen, a genuine civil society
Author: Pierre Welter Although we in Europe objectively live in the “freest” time, it sometimes feels as if a large
The parallel world of numbers
The way the contact tracing was carried out during the omicron wave had a significant influence on the values of the incidence rate of the vaccinated. The objectivity required for a scientific measurement was therefore not given in this context. It is only since the relaxations of 11 February that the incidence rates of the vaccinated and unvaccinated can be compared in a more or less real way and reveal alarming results: Suspicions that the COVID-19 vaccines are not only not very effective against a corresponding infection, but also lead to a general weakening of the immune system, are becoming more and more confirmed.
Post-vaccine syndrome
As long as they are “only” “strangers”, it is easy to dismiss them as collateral damage. If one is affected oneself because it concerns a family member, friend, colleague or acquaintance, one is confronted with a dilemma: surrender to one’s absolutely justified grief or does one use the power of the grief one is currently feeling to demand a comprehensive clarification, if necessary through a self-financed autopsy, with all the consequences that such an investigation entails? So whether to face doubt or not. Out of solidarity with those who would like to be spared similar suffering.
The Cult, by Gunnar Kaiser
The author Gunnar Kaiser is a writer and philosopher. On his highly regarded video channel Kaiser TV,” he conducts insightful
World-Government WHO?
Largely unnoticed, partly because attention is currently focused on developments in Ukraine, the World Health Organisation has launched two projects that should be at least worrying if not alarming. The Global Accord on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response threatens to severely limit national sovereignty in pandemic response, while a global system of vaccination certification seems to pave the way for an all-encompassing digital identity.
What is written in Pfizer’s redacted contracts with the EU Commission?
From our guest author Milosz Matuschek Expressis-Verbis sincerely thanks this author for once again providing what we find to be
The other side of the truth
Without US President Obama’s breach of international law eight years ago, Putin’s illegal military invasion would probably not have happened.
“I don’t think we are on the brink of World War III”.
Expressis-Verbis would like to thank Dr. Daniele Ganser for allowing us to share this exciting conversation on our Expressis-Verbis pages
Science and conspiracies
Expressis-Verbis would like to thank Mr. Michel Decker for making available his article published in the magazine Kulturissimo/Tageblatt in November
Gespréich mam Dr. Hervé Seligmann – 1. Deel
De Mëttwoch, den 23. Februar 2022 hate mir déi grouss Freed, mat engem Dokter an der Biologie mat engem impressionante
Pandemic scientism
First, the Expressis-Verbis team would like to thank Prof. Dr. Esfeld as well as the editorial team of the information
Lettre ouverte de la part de 3 avocats à l’attention de M. le ministre de l’État Xavier Bettel et Mme la Ministre de la Santé Paulette Lenert.
MINISTERE D’ETAT Attn de M. le Ministre d’Etat Xavier BETTEL 2, Place Clairefontaine L-1341 LUXEMBOURG MINISTERE DE LA SANTE Attn
Press conference of the collective “Fräi Liewen”, 11.02.2021
In this press conference, six members of a new collective called “Fräi Liewen” presented their association and its motivations. The
Information flow by diversions
Our national “Ad hoc Expert Group” concluded in its report on the assessment of an introduction of compulsory vaccination[1] in
Interview mam Jean Huss
Mir haten en ausféierlecht Gespréich mat engem Mann, deen an den Achtzeger Joren eng vun de grousse lénke politesche Richtungen
A historic day for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Wednesday 12 January 2022: French academics of international repute visited Luxembourg to support the petitioners of two important petitions in
The Propaganda-Matrix – a book review
Michael Meyen. 2021. (1. Aufl.). Rubikon „Wer auf einer der Demos war und seine eigene Wahrnehmung mit dem verglichen hat,
We need your help!
The Expressis-Verbis project is the result of countless hours of work and sleepless nights. Some of us end up working
This is a calculated violation of the constitution
“Our society is developing into a neurotically reactive danger defence state”. According to Seibert, “classical constitutional thinking should prevent the fundamental rights from being fundamentally questioned”.
The (not so) independent fact checkers
Our Board member Dr Benoît Ochs was recently the target of a fact-check by Agence France-Presse (AFP), one of the major players in this field. It was about statements in a video distributed by alternative media, where he expressed his concern about the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccines. This prompted us to take a look behind the scenes of this media group. Even a very superficial investigation revealed numerous cross-connections to and financial dependencies on governments, the European Commission and NGOs. The complexity and true scope of all these networks can therefore only be touched upon in this article.
I want to break through
Vaccine breakthroughs are currently a hotly debated topic. Such infections are not conducive to an already faltering vaccination campaign, especially not when the emerging extent of this phenomenon takes on frightening dimensions. The reactions of those responsible and those in favour of vaccination could not be more bizarre, which is why we present a few gems here.
Note on our own behalf
Lately, there seems to have been an increasing amount of speculation in about Expressis-Verbis and our intentions as a non-profit
Letter from a shattered mother
Here is a remarkable testimony we received from a mother who stands up to her child without fear of words.
Pandemic of the vaccinated
For some weeks now, the weekly reports of the Ministry of Health have compared the number of vaccinated and non-vaccinated/partially vaccinated people in terms of positive tests and hospitalizations. This could be equated with the evaluation of a control experiment to determine the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines. We show that the counting method used disregards the usual “ceteris paribus” principle in this context in several respects and that the calculated values accordingly provide a distorted picture of reality: at least for calendar weeks 38 and 39, the incidence rate of the vaccinated is many times higher than that of the non-vaccinated.
Voices for the silent march
I was not really planning to write about the White March again after “1,200 ignorant people”. I assumed — wrongly,
“The real goal revealed during the press conference: to attain a certain vaccination rate (established in a completely arbitrary way) to be able to end the anti-freedom measures. After all, the excessive discriminatory anti-freedom measures correspond to a purely political objective and not to a legitimate objective related to public health. The introduction of indirect vaccine mandates whose purpose is to give politicians an excuse to reverse their own anti-freedom decisions is not a legitimate objective.”
I cannot do it anymore
In an open letter, ARD employee Ole Skambraks speaks out against one and a half years of Corona coverage: Skambraks has worked as an editorial assistant and editor at the public broadcaster for 12 years.
A hundred thousand ignorant people
We are told that a vaccination rate of 85% is needed for a return to “normality”. A brief analysis shows, however, that this percentage is virtually impossible to attain. On the other hand, the number of unvaccinated people will be in the six-digit range.
1,200 ignorant people cannot be ignored
We were supposed to be separated, but we have united.
We are supposed to remain ignorant, but we have learned so much.
We are supposed to obey, but we choose freedom.
We are supposed to be afraid, but we are becoming more and more courageous.
We are told to keep our heads down, but we stand up.
We are not alone and you do not have to be either (any more)!
Excessive power without end: politics suffering from Long Covid
Politics needs the measures like the drug dealer needs his addicted customers. It needs Corona more urgently than an end to the pandemic. Because an end to the pandemic means that more attention will be focused on the mistakes that have been made.
Interview with Dr. Benoît Ochs
In this video, the passionate doctor comments, among other things, on the first health abnormalities that appear in a temporal
The children of the pandemic
From 22 February 2021, masks were compulsory in schools. This was justified by an assessment of the epidemiological situation in a press conference of the Ministry of Education on 12 February. A critical examination of this argumentation leads to the question of the proportionality of the measure, and a brief harm-benefit analysis brings to light the fundamental problem of one-sided political decision-making. Are the children ultimately victims of instrumentalization?
Lettre ouverte aux enfants et à leurs parents
Je suis pédiatre et, à ce titre, j’ai vu progressivement se dégrader autour de moi l’état de bien-être psychoaffectif des
The exclusion of dissenters – a letter to our critics
On 16 July 2021, I (50) stood at the top of the 3-metre diving board in Lutry on beautiful Lac
Invasion of the Mutants
Forecasts Professor Dr John P. A. Ioannidis of Stanford University, one of the world’s leading epidemiologists [1], has always viewed
The egg, Corona and some news about vaccinations
A year ago, a remarkable article appeared in the British Medical Journal [1]. I wrote about it in more detail
Right to Selfdetermination and Monopoly of the Profession
Editor’s Note Here is an email from one of our readers to the medical college in the context of the
Dr. Benoît Ochs
16 June 2021 was a special day for the Expressis-Verbis team and, on a more symbolic level, perhaps also for