On this page you will find many useful “factsheets” over time, neatly sorted by topic, for easy download, printing and distribution and/or discussion.
The info sheets are based on current data and objective sources, as you are used to from us. We have produced many of them together with our French partner ReinfoCovid. From them we have received the authorisation to share them with our Luxembourgish and other European fellow citizens. For this reason, we have also translated the original info sheets in French into German, English and Portuguese.
We invite you to download and openly consult, discuss (with us or others) and distribute these leaflets as much as you can.
The information sheets on vaccinations:
Biontech Pfizer EN/PO
Get all the relevant and official facts of the Biontech Pfizer Vaccine.
Obtenha todos os factos relevantes e oficiais da vacina Biontech Pfizer.
Pfizer Biontech DE/FR
Alle offzielle Fakten zur Pfizer Biontech Impfung.
Tous les faits officiels concernant le vaccin Pfizer Biontech.
Astra Zeneca
Get all the relevant and official facts relative to the Astra Zeneca vaccine.
Obtenha todos os factos relevantes e oficiais relativos à vacina Astra Zeneca.
Astra Zeneca DE/FR
Alle offizelle Informationen und Fakten zum Astra Zeneca Impfstoff.
Toutes les informations officielles et les faits concernant le vaccin Astra Zeneca.
Guinea Pig
Here you will find a compilation of all data, plus the corresponding sources, of the currently available vaccines.
Obtenha todos os factos relevantes e oficiais da vacina Biontech Pfizer.
Information sheets about medications
Wirksame Medikamente im Kampf gegen Covid-19
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