So many words and phrases
A look back at the past year We thank our colleague Michel Decker for sharing this article, which first appeared in Kulturissimo in December 2021. He, too, has not failed to notice the great change we are currently witnessing in the use of our language. The year 2021 was...
We need your help!
The Expressis-Verbis project is the result of countless hours of work and sleepless nights. Some of us end up working an additional 5-6 hours a day on top of our already intense workday; sometimes even more. Voluntary and free of charge. Indeed, to be able to do this as...
The (not so) independent fact checkers
Our Board member Dr Benoît Ochs was recently the target of a fact-check by Agence France-Presse (AFP), one of the major players in this field. It was about statements in a video distributed by alternative media, where he expressed his concern about the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccines....
Note on our own behalf
Lately, there seems to have been an increasing amount of speculation in about Expressis-Verbis and our intentions as a non-profit association. Obviously, we have still not formulated the purpose of the company, which we have presented in detail on our “About Us” page, in a sufficiently comprehensible and transparent manner....
I cannot do it anymore
In an open letter, ARD employee Ole Skambraks speaks out against one and a half years of Corona coverage: Skambraks has worked as an editorial assistant and editor at the public broadcaster for 12 years. ...
The children of the pandemic
From 22 February 2021, masks were compulsory in schools. This was justified by an assessment of the epidemiological situation in a press conference of the Ministry of Education on 12 February. A critical examination of this argumentation leads to the question of the proportionality of the measure, and a...
The exclusion of dissenters – a letter to our critics
On 16 July 2021, I (50) stood at the top of the 3-metre diving board in Lutry on beautiful Lac Léman and couldn’t believe my eyes: from below, it didn’t look so high after all! Next to me stood a smiling boy of about 10 years old who politely...
Über den Anstand in schwierigen Zeiten und die Frage, wie wir miteinander umgehen
Klappentext Man sieht erst, was einem fehlt, wenn es verschwindet – Plädoyer für eine gefährdete Tugend »Wir haben uns schon an zu vieles gewöhnt, an einen rauen, unverschämten Umgangston, Shitstorms, Beleidigungen, Lügen, an eine Maßlosigkeit im Urteil über andere. Die grundlegenden Regeln menschlichen Anstands stehen in Frage. Aber was...
Professor Didier Raoult, emblem of a French-style resistance
“I don’t think we should manage crises through fear”. Prof. Dr. Didier Raoult, during an interview (16 April 2021) on BFMTV witgh Bruce Toussaint “Who is this guy?” I asked myself on 22 March 2020, the day I first discovered Professor Didier Raoult through a video sent to me...
Ferngesteuerter Journalismus
Wie sich die Wissenschaftskommunikation ins Vorfeld der Medien verlagert. Ein Gastbeitrag von Prof.Dr. Stephan Russ-Mohl Die Wissenschaftskommunikation professionalisiert sich. Sie verlagert sich aber auch immer mehr ins Vorfeld des Journalismus, in die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Und der Journalismus wird der Flut von PR-Meldungen, die täglich in die Redaktionen gespült wird, schon...