Author: Expressis-Verbis


“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about important things!” Dr. Martin Luther King (1929 – 1968) We make every effort to provide reputable and neutral source information as far as we are able. Our post on mandatory masks is primarily about medical face masks and...

Vaccine development

No vaccination is completely free of side effects and, in order to keep them as low as possible, standards must be adhered to during development. This means that the vaccine has been sufficiently tested and the safety risk has been minimized in compliance with all drug testing regulations. Then...

Corona vaccines

The purpose of vaccination is to achieve longer-term protection against a disease. The idea behind the genetic vaccines favored for the fight against SARS-CoV-2 is that the body virtually produces the virus itself, and then forms antigens that prevent the disease if it comes into contact with the virus...