Author: Expressis-Verbis

Professor Didier Raoult, emblem of a French-style resistance

“I don’t think we should manage crises through fear”. Prof. Dr. Didier Raoult, during an interview (16 April 2021) on BFMTV witgh Bruce Toussaint “Who is this guy?” I asked myself on 22 March 2020, the day I first discovered Professor Didier Raoult through a video sent to me...

Effective medicines against Covid-19 from daily practice

Even after more than a year of experience with Covid-19 disease, there is often a general feeling of powerlessness due to the conviction that no drugs exist against this disease. Indeed, provisional approval of a novel vaccine is only permissible if there are no effective drugs on the market....

Pandemic 2020?

Population data for Luxembourg, ordered by age and sex, can be downloaded from Death figures from 1980 to today, ordered by age and sex, are available at   I’ve dived into these two data series, to gain a clearer understanding of the extent of the so-called pandemic,...

Ferngesteuerter Journalismus

Wie sich die Wissenschaftskommunikation ins Vorfeld der Medien verlagert. Ein Gastbeitrag von Prof.Dr. Stephan Russ-Mohl Die Wissenschaftskommunikation professionalisiert sich. Sie verlagert sich aber auch immer mehr ins Vorfeld des Journalismus, in die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Und der Journalismus wird der Flut von PR-Meldungen, die täglich in die Redaktionen gespült wird, schon...

Au foirail de la Lune

Le tour joue au milieu de grands yeux ouverts qui font partie de nombreux pantins dont on ne sait point identifier l’origine du fait qu’ils ont couvert nez et bouche. Leur passion à suivre les voies clairement définies les a rendus aveugles. Ils ont besoin de se toucher, mais...

Da capo, fortissimo: Das mediale Corona-Panikorchester

Ein Gastbeitrag von Prof. Dr. Stephan Russ-Mohl Das Covid19-Virus, seine Mutationen, das Drama um die Impfstoffbeschaffung und -verteilung, die verlängerten und verschärften Lockdowns halten uns weiterhin in Atem. Es gibt nur einen blinden Fleck: Welche Rolle der Journalismus, zuvörderst die Leitmedien und das öffentlich-rechtliche Fernsehen im ersten Pandemie-Jahr gespielt...

Immunity acquired through disease

We owe our immune system to the fact that mankind still exists in the face of the countless microscopic pathogens. In the course of evolution, it has protected us from these external pathogens, permanently and often even completely unnoticed, and it still does today. Our immune system can be...

PCR test

This article is about the PCR test. What was this test developed for, what is it suitable for and how is it used? What are its advantages and disadvantages, also in comparison with other test options? What is an infection? An infection is the entry of microorganisms (for example...

COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination strategy for Luxembourg

Vaccination information from official sources In order to make it easier for you to decide whether you want to be vaccinated or not, we have selected the most important information for you from the official publications of the Luxembourg government. We think that it is important to fully inform...