Category: PCR test

Incidence for everybody

In the search for a “reliable” indicator for assessing the current epidemiological situation, pretty much every possible and impossible variable has been used over the years: daily new infections and/or death figures, utilisation of hospital capacities or, for example, the reproduction figure.
 In recent weeks, the good old “7-day...

Statistical Gaslighting [1]

Every Monday, the previous week is statistically concluded with the announcement of the number of positive PCR tests from Sunday. On 01.02.2021 [2] and 08.02.2021 [3], RTL published an article on this. Each time, the article was titled with the statement that the infection figures had increased by 19%...

PCR test

This article is about the PCR test. What was this test developed for, what is it suitable for and how is it used? What are its advantages and disadvantages, also in comparison with other test options? What is an infection? An infection is the entry of microorganisms (for example...