From the impasses of state deontology to medical ethics
During the pandemic, science sometimes seemed to acquire the status of unimpeachable truth.
With models without empirical foundations and medicine without clinics, health policy could turn into a morality without principles.
The psychiatrist Paul Rauchs proposed to pervert Kantian deontological ethics into an obligation of blind obedience to the...
Author: Pierre Welter Although we in Europe objectively live in the “freest” time, it sometimes feels as if a large part of our lives is not sustained by “freedom”. Is freedom, in the final analysis, just an empty phrase? And what about “self-responsibility”? Only in freedom does self-responsibility take...
The Cult, by Gunnar Kaiser
The author Gunnar Kaiser is a writer and philosopher. On his highly regarded video channel Kaiser TV,” he conducts insightful and inspiring conversations with numerous people. As a freelance journalist, Gunnar Kaiser works for various media, including the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Die Welt, Schweizer Monat and Berliner Zeitung. Because...
Science and conspiracies
Expressis-Verbis would like to thank Mr. Michel Decker for making available his article published in the magazine Kulturissimo/Tageblatt in November 2021. Question marks A German writer shares her memories of her childhood in primary school. She had problems with a clergyman who lived in a world of answers, while...
Pandemic scientism
First, the Expressis-Verbis team would like to thank Prof. Dr. Esfeld as well as the editorial team of the information platform Novo-Argumente for the uncomplicated and pleasant cooperation. Novo considers, analyses and comments on current affairs and the important issues of our time from a consistently humanistic perspective. As...
Der Kult
Warum tun gute Menschen Böses? Weshalb werden so viele zu fügsamen Dienern des Unrechts? Und warum rebellieren sie nicht, wenn man ihnen die Freiheit nimmt? Antworten auf diese Fragen erhalten wir, wenn wir erkennen: Es geht tatsächlich ein Virus um — ein verheerendes Virus des Geistes. Ein Virus, das...