I want to break through
Vaccine breakthroughs are currently a hotly debated topic. Such infections are not conducive to an already faltering vaccination campaign, especially not when the emerging extent of this phenomenon takes on frightening dimensions. The reactions of those responsible and those in favour of vaccination could not be more bizarre, which...
Interview with Dr. Benoît Ochs
In this video, the passionate doctor comments, among other things, on the first health abnormalities that appear in a temporal connection with the vaccination. https://youtu.be/18we0q2P04M For more videos, don’t hesitate to check out our video library. There you will find not only our own video production, but many other...
Lettre ouverte aux enfants et à leurs parents
Je suis pédiatre et, à ce titre, j’ai vu progressivement se dégrader autour de moi l’état de bien-être psychoaffectif des enfants et des parents, alors même que la santé physique des enfants était bien conservée et que, dans leur grande majorité, ils n’étaient pas malades : la peur, l’anxiété,...
The egg, Corona and some news about vaccinations
A year ago, a remarkable article appeared in the British Medical Journal [1]. I wrote about it in more detail in my column in Karger Compass Pneumonology. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health rehabilitated the egg as a food after more than 50 years of research. No:...
Dr. Benoît Ochs
16 June 2021 was a special day for the Expressis-Verbis team and, on a more symbolic level, perhaps also for the health policy situation in Luxembourg. A general practitioner, caught between his professional conscience and a world of directives that opposed his medical convictions, made the decision to follow...
Professor Didier Raoult, emblem of a French-style resistance
“I don’t think we should manage crises through fear”. Prof. Dr. Didier Raoult, during an interview (16 April 2021) on BFMTV witgh Bruce Toussaint “Who is this guy?” I asked myself on 22 March 2020, the day I first discovered Professor Didier Raoult through a video sent to me...
Effective medicines against Covid-19 from daily practice
Even after more than a year of experience with Covid-19 disease, there is often a general feeling of powerlessness due to the conviction that no drugs exist against this disease. Indeed, provisional approval of a novel vaccine is only permissible if there are no effective drugs on the market....
Die wichtigsten Nahrungsergänzungsmittel
Uwe Gröber, Leiter der Akademie für Mikronährstoffmedizin, beschreibt in seinem Buch alles Wissenswerte zu Einnahme, Dosierung sowie den Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der wichtigsten Nahrungsergänzungsmittel. Außerdem zeigt er, welche Nahrungsergänzungsmittel bei Krankheiten und in besonderen Lebenssituationen wirklich empfehlenswert sind und wo mögliche Wechselwirkungen bestehen können....
The Autoimmune Fix
Book description from the authors website: Millions of people suffer from autoimmunity, whether they know it or not. The root cause of most weight gain, fatigue, brain and mood problems is autoimmunity. And it can take years―or even decades―for symptoms and a clear diagnosis to arise. Through years of research, Dr. Tom...
Buchbeschreibung Rückseite: Eine globale Herausforderung Anfang März 2020 gibt es einen ersten großen Ausbruch von Covid-19 im Kreis Heinsberg. Hendrik Streeck und sein Team des Universitätsklinikums Bonn ergreifen die Gelegenheit, das dortige Infektionsgeschehen mit dem neuartigen Sars-CoV-2-Virus zu erforschen. In seinem Buch erzählt er von seinen Erfahrungen mit dem...