Author: Pierre Obertin

Authority of interpretation (Translation in progress)

The incidence rate among the vaccinated has been higher than that of the unvaccinated since calendar week 11 of this year. In the last report of 4 July 2022, the "Ad hoc Expert Group" on compulsory vaccination suggested the following explanation....

In the thrill of pharmacovigilance

The Ministry of Health recently acknowledged in a blog article that the number of adverse reaction reports to pharmacovigilance had multiplied by a factor of 23 from 92 in 2020 to 2158 in 2021. In part, this increase is attributed to the awareness campaign that took place in the...

Painting by numbers

The Ministry of Health has not published incidence rates by vaccination status since mid-April. As this is important information for vaccination effectiveness, Expressis Verbis has taken on this problem. We are now providing an interactive online graphic with this data, which will be updated weekly. More statistics will follow...

The parallel world of numbers

The way the contact tracing was carried out during the omicron wave had a significant influence on the values of the incidence rate of the vaccinated. The objectivity required for a scientific measurement was therefore not given in this context. It is only since the relaxations of 11 February...

World-Government WHO?

Largely unnoticed, partly because attention is currently focused on developments in Ukraine, the World Health Organisation has launched two projects that should be at least worrying if not alarming. The Global Accord on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response threatens to severely limit national sovereignty in pandemic response, while a...

Information flow by diversions

Our national “Ad hoc Expert Group” concluded in its report on the assessment of an introduction of compulsory vaccination[1] in the following way: Redoubler les efforts de sensibilisation et d’information de la population en fournissant des nombres clairs, corrects et compréhensibles pour mieux mettre en évidence l´effectivité de la...

The (not so) independent fact checkers

Our Board member Dr Benoît Ochs was recently the target of a fact-check by Agence France-Presse (AFP), one of the major players in this field. It was about statements in a video distributed by alternative media, where he expressed his concern about the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccines....

I want to break through

Vaccine breakthroughs are currently a hotly debated topic. Such infections are not conducive to an already faltering vaccination campaign, especially not when the emerging extent of this phenomenon takes on frightening dimensions. The reactions of those responsible and those in favour of vaccination could not be more bizarre, which...

Pandemic of the vaccinated

For some weeks now, the weekly reports of the Ministry of Health have compared the number of vaccinated and non-vaccinated/partially vaccinated people in terms of positive tests and hospitalizations. This could be equated with the evaluation of a control experiment to determine the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines. We...

A hundred thousand ignorant people

We are told that a vaccination rate of 85% is needed for a return to “normality”. A brief analysis shows, however, that this percentage is virtually impossible to attain. On the other hand, the number of unvaccinated people will be in the six-digit range....