Interesting links

There are many interesting people who have never stopped testing set beliefs without being influenced by mainstream opinion. They have retained the ability to question assumptions critically and are willing to pay a high price for it. In particular, steering clear of conflicts of interest can put many scientists, independent journalists and authors in financial difficulty.

The result is often interesting and exciting projects, with contributions worth reading, seeing, and hearing from committed independent journalists, authors, and experts. They have preserved the ability to look beyond the box without fear or prejudice and share with us the results of their research, reflections, and analysis.

Critical thinking, impartiality and courage coupled with quality content. These qualities inspire us and we share them with you on this site.

We hope you enjoy browsing their respective sites.

Although Expressis-Verbis appreciates the content of these selected websites, we do not accept any responsibility for the full content of these sites. We invite you to form your opinion based on the content and arguments presented. In all impartiality and open-mindedness.